World Mental Health Day 2024 & 13 more mental health awareness days for your diary

As part of ongoing efforts to reduce the stigmas surrounding mental health, every year dozens of days are dedicated to raising awareness and starting conversations about these crucial topics.
Below we’ve compiled 14 of the most notable coming up in 2024, so you can understand when they’re happening, what they’re all about, and what you can do to mark these occasions.
We hope you can use this to raise the profile of these mental health initiatives, and, if their topics relate to you, find useful educational resources, strategies and support.
Blue Monday / Brew Monday - 15th January
Once referred to as “the most depressing day of the year”, Blue Monday has largely been dismissed as a myth by experts. However, this led to the creation of Brew Monday, a national awareness campaign by Samaritans that encourages people to reach out to friends and family for a quick cup of tea.
To celebrate the occasion, why not catch up with someone you haven’t spoken to in a while to see how they’re doing? Whether it’s a quick phone or video call, or popping around in person, this small gesture can make a big difference to someone’s mood.
Parent Mental Health Day - 27th January
The stress of parenthood can be overwhelming at times, but it is nothing to be ashamed of. Even good parents have bad days. Parent Mental Health Day, devised by the charity stem4, aims to shine a light on the challenges faced by parents and carers, so that they can feel comfortable reaching out when life gets hard.
With 2024’s event focused on “creating positive relationships”, you may want to use this event to hold an activity or experience that you and your family enjoy doing together.
Alternatively, our free online cognitive behavioural therapy course, “Managing Stress in Parenthood”, can help you develop techniques to better manage your mood.
International Boost Self-Esteem Month - All February
A global initiative focused on promoting stronger inner belief and confidence, International Boost Self-Esteem Month encourages individuals to engage in positive self-talk, practice self-care, and embrace their worth, all with the goal of fostering a healthier sense of self-esteem.
This month-long event is a great opportunity to try out some methods for improving confidence, such as:
- Setting yourself achievable daily goals to complete
- Writing your strengths in a journal
- Spending time with people who make you feel positive
- Doing activities that you enjoy or are good at
Time to Talk Day - 1st February
Time to Talk Day is an annual initiative encouraging open conversations about mental health issues among friends, families, workplaces, and beyond. Held on the first Thursday in February every year, it aims to reduce stigma and promote understanding, so individuals can feel comfortable sharing their experiences.
To mark this event, consider organising a community “walk and talk” with your neighbours, or simply texting a friend about how their day is going.
National Day of Reflection - 23rd March
Losing a loved one is never straightforward, and it can sometimes take a long time to come to terms with this life-altering change. National Day of Reflection gives us a chance to remember those we have lost, share happy memories, and reach out to those we know who are dealing with grief.
On this day, try to do something that reminds you of fond times with your lost loved one. It could be as simple as listening to their favourite songs, looking through a photo album, or speaking to them internally.
Have you been struggling with grief for several months or longer? Our online CBT course on bereavement can help you find ways to adjust to life following a loss.
Stress Awareness Month - All April
Held every month in the UK since 1992, Stress Awareness Month seeks to raise awareness of the causes and solutions for stress. While stress is a common mental health condition and something we all face from time to time, 74% of people in the UK claim to have been “overwhelmed or unable to cope” because of stress.
If stress is a regular challenge for you, this month may offer a welcome opportunity to practise stress-reducing techniques. Yoga, meditation, jogging and mindfulness exercises can all help you relieve tension and clear your mind of ongoing worries.
For more information or advice on managing feelings of stress, try our free online CBT course on stress and anxiety.
Mental Health Awareness Week - 13th-19th May
As the name suggests, Mental Health Awareness Week is a week-long initiative dedicated to starting conversations about mental wellbeing, helping people understand these experiences better and supporting those living with these difficulties every day.
Each year’s theme is determined by the Mental Health Foundation, with 2023’s event dedicated to anxiety. While we don’t yet know what 2024’s week will focus on, this week is always a great opportunity to share resources, become a campaigner, or volunteer for mental health community events in your local area.
Loneliness Awareness Week - 17th-23rd June
Everyone feels lonely from time to time, but you may not realise how significantly extended periods of social isolation can affect your mood. Loneliness Awareness Week highlights the impact of loneliness on our mental wellbeing, and supports initiatives to support those feeling alone.
You may want to use this week to reach out to friends, family members and colleagues for a nice chat, especially if they live alone. Perhaps you can identify a particular person to contact on every day of the week – you never know how much hearing your voice could make them smile.
Samaritans Awareness Day - 24th July
Samaritans Awareness Day, also known as the “Talk to Us” campaign, is Samaritans’ annual reminder that they are always there, 24/7, for anyone who needs someone to listen.
Every year their organisation helps thousands of people during some of the hardest points of their lives. We'd encourage you to share any messaging or materials Samaritans posts on this – your advocacy could make a huge difference to someone in need.
World Suicide Prevention Day - 10th September
Although suicide is a difficult topic to confront, it’s important that people dealing with these thoughts have a safe space to speak up. Organised by the International Association for Suicide Prevention and the World Health Organization, World Suicide Prevention Day is designed to encourage worldwide action to help prevent suicide.
To mark this occasion, perhaps take the chance to note down the things in life you’re grateful for. Whether it’s quality time with friends and family or the taste of your favourite meal, this day is an opportunity to celebrate life as well as participate in the tougher conversations.
International Day of Older Persons - 1st October
While not strictly a “mental health” day, International Day of Older Persons is a welcome reminder that low mood can affect anyone at any age. Many find the process of adjusting to later life challenging, but feel like they have to “tough it out” rather than reach out for help.
So, as well as celebrate the contributions our elders have made on the world, use this day as a reason to check in on an older relative or friend. To go the extra mile, you could look into volunteering at a care home, or supporting mental health outreach programmes aimed towards the elderly.
Have you found it hard adjusting to later life? Reach out to us to discuss how we can help you on the path to feeling better.
World Mental Health Day - 10th October
Every year World Mental Health Day raises awareness of mental health issues affecting people worldwide, and works to mobilise efforts in support of those affected. At the core of this event is determining what must be done to make quality mental healthcare a reality for everyone globally.
In 2023, this day united people around the phrase that mental health is a universal human right. In 2024, use this as a chance to reflect on and be mindful of your own mental health, and perhaps host a talk or fundraising event at your workplace in support of those with depression.
World Kindness Day - 13th November
“How do we change the world? One random act of kindness at a time” - Morgan Freeman
World Kindness Day celebrates and promotes acts of kindness across the globe, and the positivity this can bring to somebody’s mood. It encourages individuals to perform simple, generous gestures, making a tangible difference without asking for anything in return.
To mark this occasion, you could:
- Help a neighbour with their shopping
- Let someone go ahead of you in a queue
- Hold the door open for people behind you
- Let another driver merge into your lane
Anger Awareness Week - 1st-7th December
December is often one of the most stressful months of the year, so it’s a fitting time for Anger Awareness Week. This focuses on helping people understand and manage anger in healthier ways, promoting emotional intelligence, communication skills, and strategies for constructive expression.
Practising breathing exercises during this week can be an effective way to manage your emotions, and help prevent anger spilling over during the holidays. If you find that you frequently lose your cool, get in touch to see how we can help you better manage your anger.
Reach out for year-round mental health support
At Therapy For You, every day is a mental health awareness day. As your local NHS Talking Therapies service for North East and South East Essex, our professionals are committed to helping you find your path to a happier, healthier future at any time of year.
Whether you want to speak with someone in person, or prefer online counselling services, we provide a range of treatment options to suit your personal needs:
- Free online CBT courses
- Face-to-face sessions
- ieso typed therapy
- Group therapy sessions
- Video calls
- Over-the-phone therapy
Start your journey to feeling better – get in touch with our team today.